Keynote: Performance Rules
Jono Alderson – Head of SEO @ Yoast & Arnout Hellemans – Search and Analytics Consultant @ OnlineMarkethink
1 minute video preview
Cynthia – Online Marketer, feedback through our #CH2022 attendee survey:
Lots of energy! Exactly what we needed. Also great take aways which I’m about to test at our clients.
This is the link to the live notes of the talk by Jono & Arnout
Questions asked by attendees through our #CH2022 app:
- How do you balance optimizing for business vs optimizing for the climate?
- How long does 0.2 seconds feel for users?
- Are you ever finished with ‘fix the basics’ since there are so many best practices out there?
- Uplifts found in online business cases are notoriously unreliable. How often have you actually tested/checked whether the 10% at 0.1s is real?
- So when do you start A/B testing vs. just fixing the basics?
- Hmmm google products are culprit of slowing it down, what’s the alternative?
- If you start from scratch, what system would you build a site on?
- Server-side Google Tag Manager?
- What would you advice to the testing platforms around this weekend, being responsible those scripts adding a lot to load?
- The code you optimise is also site wide. Nobody owns the site wide code. How do you optimise this code nobody owns?
- What is the carbon cost to cache “forever” clientside?
- What’s more important: getting a webpage live or delaying a release until performance budgets are met.
- Super interesting talk. Thanks! What about speed for apps?
- Maybe we need a climate agreement on web performance?
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