Keynote: The 7 deadly sins of User Research
Els Aerts – User Research Evangelist – Representing #CH2017
Small video preview
Full keynote video access available for members (tickets here).
From the #CH2023 Album by Baldower
Fianna – Customer Journey Expert, feedback through our #CH2023 attendee survey:
I found her extremely inspiring. She should be one of the saints. Or better, the pope!
This is the link to the live notes of Els her talk
Questions asked by attendees through our #CH2023 app:
- Is user testing becoming bigger to validate bigger / innovative ideas, before building the A/B test?
- Is it User testing or user research?
- Some companies with low traffic numbers don’t use A/B tests because it’s hard to reach statistical significance. Should they still run experiments as kind of a quick user test?
- What is the best resource/book to learn good user research?
- There are a lot of considerations for survey / interview design – do you reuse / recycle templates for surveys and questions or design them all by scratch each time?
- What is your favourite non-AI tool for user research?
- What’s your favorite AI tool to analyze survey data?
- Thinking aloud in user testing => Do or don’t?
- What kind of quantitative methods would you use by developing a completely new app?
- What should an AI tool be able to do for you to start using one?
- What was the most interesting result you got from a user test?
- How have you handled collaboration with UX/UI teams are separate from the CRO/testing/product teams?
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The average #CH2023 attendee experience score on a 1 (awful) to 5 (awesome) scale was 4.96!
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