Keynote from our keynote pitch winner!

18 Nov 2023
11:55 - 12:20
Keynote Room

Keynote from our keynote pitch winner!

Annegien Bruins Slot – UX & CRO Specialist – Representing #CH2023

Small video preview

Full keynote video access available for members (tickets here).

From the #CH2023 Album by Baldower

Daphne – Growth consultant, feedback through our #CH2023 attendee survey:

Well done for getting out there and speaking. Really enjoyed your talk and got me thinking about several things I hadn’t considered, e.g. SEO for landingpages.



This is the link to the live notes of Annegien her talk

Questions asked by attendees through our #CH2023 app:

  • What are the top opportunities for collaboration between CRO and SEO?
  • Whats the best stage do you think SEO and CRO should start collaborating?
  • Would you create landingpages for relevant keywords because there is search volume, although you don’t sell the product/service yourself?
  • Who was the client that saw no drop in sales when they turned off ads / what industry were they in?
  • Do you have a SEO checklist before launching a A/B testing?
  • Is there a prioritisation framework to prioritse cro agains seo features?
  • What kind of input do you ask your SEO?
  • How do you align tests for CRO with SEO tests with minimal loss of experimentation speed?
  • Do you have an example where CRO and SEO working together was a success for you?
  • What’s the the most important thing CRO can teach us seos
  • This also aplies, and maybe more, with sea. If you have to choose, for a collab with seo or sea, who will you choose and why?
  • How can resources be used more efficiently by combining CRO and SEO needs?
  • Would you recommend for CRO’s to learn SEO fundamentals in order to be able to challenge (terrible) advice from SEO’s?
  • What is the part where CRO’s can provide the most input for SEO’s?
  • Collaboration between SEO & CRO is a start … but what about dev, customer service, email, etc.
  • How are you positioning SEO & CRO? As separate services or as “Premium SEO with CRO as an embedded element?
  • Do you think SEO or UX/CRO should be in the lead on the new navigation project

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The average #CH2023 attendee experience score on a 1 (awful) to 5 (awesome) scale was 4.96!

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