Keynote: From nothing to a full-scaled CRO team doing 20 tests per month
Marianne Stjernvall – formerly known as CRO lead @ COOP Sweden
1 minute video preview
Erik – Marketer, feedback through our #CH2022 attendee survey:
Great insights, clear talk. inspiring.
This is the link to the live notes of Marianne her talk
Questions asked by attendees through our #CH2022 app:
- How did you know you were missing data? How did you calculate the initial 60 and then 90%?
- Why is UX not in the CRO team?
- What is the role of the CRO specialist? Is she/he responsible for Research and validation?
- What is your biggest fuck up?
- Were the ‘stress tests’ kind of explorative experiments? So testing used as a research methodology?
- Could you please explain what do you mean by personalisation tests?
- Is it not easier to do more tests with the same impact as last year instead of doing less test with more impact (which is really hard to predict)?
- Is there a reason why “Sr Management Buy-in” wasn’t done earlier?
- How do you calculate the share of sales through CRO?
- Where are you going to work now and in which role?
- What is the mathematical formula behind the ‘advanced calcultation’ to extrapolate to added revenue?
- KPIs on value / revenue are nice, but often they can not be summed up (that the total is bigger than the actual revenue). How do you deal with this?
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