Keynote: Growing experimentation culture
Ruben de Boer – Lead Conversion Manager @ Online Dialogue
Small video preview
Full keynote video access available for members (tickets here).
Marta – Digital Experimentation Lead, feedback through our #CH2024 attendee survey:
Love the inpirational way of showing how to manage stakeholder relations and get the buy in. Fanatstic presentation!
This is the link to the AI notes of Ruben his talk
Questions asked by attendees through our #CH2024 app:
- Some stakeholders are hard to influence. Especially the ones getting older and more conservative.Leave them alone, like choose your battles, or not?
- Should you work bottom-up or top-down to get the culture started?
- You mention personalizing results. Can you give a few examples of how you might differentiate results readouts for different audiences?
- Once you have a positive experimentation culture, how do you maintain the enthusiasm?
- What was the one single thing you implemented at OD that help change the culture in a positive way
- How do you avoid the risk of cherry picking of results if you have multiple versions of results (due to personalized read-outs)?
- What is your advice for convincing stakeholders who feel held back by assumptions such as ‘AB testing takes long’ or ‘is complicated’, due to which it is only used for smaller features?
- Any tips how to decide if someone is in favor or not from experimentation
- Did you in the end convince Karl?
- Is Karl a HiPPO?
- Have you found any personality or work style models helpful in this process? My own experience is that they are very difficult in practice.
- Why do we find the most advanced experimentation cultures in the Netherlands?
- From your research, what do you think is the main reason for people in organizations not being interested in experimentation (results)?
- I want to expand the experimentation culture to our marketing department. But not every team or person can experiment. E.g social, email, release campaigns, email… due to not enough traffic/users.
- From my experience you have a 30% rule. 30% of your stakeholders are for your idea, 30% in neutral and 30% is against. What is your experience?
- How often should you involve your team to get feedback?
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The average #CH2024 attendee experience score on a 1 (awful) to 5 (awesome) scale was 4.78!
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