#CH2024: Tim Ceuppens

Freelance Digital Marketing Linchpin (BE) & Keynote speaker on how to talk data

#CH2024: Tim Ceuppens

Freelance Digital Marketing Linchpin (BE) & Keynote speaker on how to talk data


You have people that can talk data and you have people who don’t. Sadly for us that last group is outnumbering the first group. Do you know what happens when you throw data at people who don’t talk data? Nothing. This causes a lot of wasted meetings, and emails. How to get everyone from data, to insights, to action? Meet Tim, he knows. He will share the psychology of data with you, including some Disney sing-a-longs.

When did you meet Tim? A year ago at a Measurecamp, I believe Copenhagen – or was it London (there are too many of them). I was forced by Juliana Jackson to see Tim’s session: you really need to see this guy – great combo of knowledge and delivery in his presentations. Of course I listened and joined Tim’s session. Interesting topic, interesting delivery – could be optimized, but indeed standing out. Saw the optimized version at another Measurecamp and last March in Helsinki he nailed it with great content and great delivery.

Why did you invite Tim? We share the passion of hating useless meetings, speak the same language (sort of), and I like his content and delivery. There are not so many presenters that can make people smile with data presentations. Since Helsinki I knew: great #CH speaker!

What will his topic be about? The Psychology of Data – how to talk data.

Enjoy Tim on stage at #CH2024, and Tim: thank you for accepting!

Ton Wesseling

Founder & host of The Conference known as Conversion Hotel


All sessions by #CH2024: Tim Ceuppens

Keynote: The psychology of data

23 Nov 2024
20:45 - 21:20
Keynote Room