#CH2024: Theo van der Zee

Freelance Conversion Specialist (NL) & Keynote speaker on CRO & sustainability

#CH2024: Theo van der Zee

Freelance Conversion Specialist (NL) & Keynote speaker on CRO & sustainability


Sustainability is a topic that is rarely covered at any marketing-related conference. Theo believes that we, as ‘marketers’, can contribute significantly to building a more sustainable world, and the more CRO-related people are aware of this topic, the better. Optimizing for profit and planet.

When did you meet Theo? Theo was already around in the Dutch CRO market even before I organized the first Conversion Hotel event in 2014. The Dutch community was small back then, and we must have met at some meetup many years ago. It could even have been an SEO meetup. Theo belongs to the group of loyal attendees of #CH and has hardly missed any edition!

Why did you invite Theo? Theo applied for our updated keynote speaker competition with the topic he ran an unconference session on last year: CRO & sustainability. This was one of the highest-rated sessions, ending up in the secret #CH2023 10 year anniversary book. Theo wrote a robust application and submitted a good pitch video. Sell less, but better: optimizing for profit and planet. A must-see keynote at #CH2024.

What will his topic be about? Creating user experiences that promote sustainable choices.

Theo won this keynote spot by applying for the keynote speaker competition when he signed up as a #CH2024 attendee. Towards the conference, Theo will be coached by Michael Aagaard to tweak the storytelling and delivery of this talk.

Enjoy Theo on stage at #CH2024, and Theo: thank you for applying!

Ton Wesseling

Founder & host of The Conference known as Conversion Hotel