Margriet Sitskoorn (NL)

Cognitive Neuropsychology professor

Margriet Sitskoorn (NL)

Cognitive Neuropsychology professor


Margriet Sitskoorn is a Fulltime Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on how behavior and environment affect the brain, and how people can use this knowledge to develop themselves. Sitskoorn is an acclaimed public speaker and consultant. She is the author of several bestsellers and her work has been translated into various languages.

Her recent book “Train Your CEO Brain and Become Your Best Self” explains how you can use the plasticity of your brain to develop yourself. This book links theory to practice, and includes targeted exercises to train your executive brain. Train Your CEO Brain is intended to help you achieve your goals for personal growth, your job or business, your family, or the world around you.

All sessions by Margriet Sitskoorn (NL)

Keynote: how to train your CEO brain

17 Nov 2018
17:15 - 18:15
Keynote Room