Virtual: Dec. 17, 2020: Charles Farina

Google Analytics 4 demystified

Virtual: Dec. 17, 2020: Charles Farina

Google Analytics 4 demystified


After our #CH2020 kick-off session on November 20th, we asked our attendees what topics they would like for the upcoming keynotes. One of the most wanted topics was about demystifying Google Analytics 4.

For a lot of growth and conversion specialists, this release came out of nowhere. And while still being some sort of a Beta release, GA4 is pushed as the default option when creating analytics accounts. It’s the rebranding of the web+app tracking that was launched last year, but not so many people worried about the new tracking solution back then. Now everyone is worried. Around the web stories start popping up about event tracking and how differently it works (causing measurement problems for many) and can those machine learning insights GA is creating of your data be trusted?

GA4 is the new standard in analytics with cross-device measurement capabilities and more granular data controls. But it’s scary if you are not a full-time pro analyst if your Google Analytics world is suddenly changing. You need someone to feel you at ease, someone who can demystify GA4 and tell you what you need to know.

Tadaa: here comes Charles Farina. Charles is the Head of Innovation at Adswerve, a Google Marketing and Cloud partner from the US. Adswerve acquired Analytics Pros 2 years ago, where Charles has been working for 7 years as Director of Growth & Development and Manager Digital Analytics. At Adswerve he is now leading Google Analytics 4 initiatives, Ads Data Hub, and broader privacy and first-party data components.

I’ve seen Charles at the lovely Superweek conference in Hungary earlier this year, before the whole Covid-19 crisis started and I was impressed by his skills. He was my first go-to person when I was looking for a good GA4 speaker. He recently became a fellow CXL institute teacher by already launching a Google Analytics 4 training.

I’m happy that Charles said yes to a virtual keynote and live Q&A. Especially because it will be 7.00am in his timezone. That’s dedication to teach the world about GA4! Have fun and insights while listening to Charles on December 17th, 4.00PM CET

Ton Wesseling

Founder & host of The Conference formerly known as Conversion Hotel

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All sessions by Virtual: Dec. 17, 2020: Charles Farina

Keynote: Google Analytics 4 Demystified + attendee Q&A

17 Dec 2020
16:05 - 16:55
Virtual keynote room