#CH2024: András (Andy) Kobza

General Manager @ Ecommerce Trade (HU) & Keynote speaker on friction

#CH2024: András (Andy) Kobza

General Manager @ Ecommerce Trade (HU) & Keynote speaker on friction


Andy runs an e-commerce company in Hungary, maintaining several e-commerce shops. His business focuses strongly on applying CRO and also offers CRO services to other websites in Hungary. Andy would love to discuss friction and friction points in life and the context of CRO.

When did you meet Andy? Ha, I never met Andy live. He was supposed to attend Conversion Hotel last year but had to bail out at the last-minute. Conversion Hotel will be the first moment I will meet Andy live, and I’m looking forward to it.

Why did you invite Andy? Andy applied for our updated keynote speaker competition and explained in his application and pitch video that he wants to discuss friction in life and a CRO context. Of course, we’ve had Mr. Friction, Roger Dooley, on our stage before. Still, Michael Aagaard and I were both intrigued by having this topic presented from a CRO practitioner perspective. We also believe that Andy will not only be able to deliver an insightful, but also an entertaining talk.

What will his topic be about? Friction in life and a CRO context.

Andy won this keynote spot by applying for the keynote speaker competition when he signed up as a #CH2024 attendee. Towards the conference, Andy will be coached by Michael Aagaard to tweak the storytelling and delivery of this talk.

Enjoy Andy on stage at #CH2024, and Andy: thank you for applying!

Ton Wesseling

Founder & host of The Conference known as Conversion Hotel