#CH2024: Katie Dove

Managing Director @ Irrational Labs (US) & Keynote speaker on personalization

#CH2024: Katie Dove

Managing Director @ Irrational Labs (US) & Keynote speaker on personalization


Katie is a Managing Director at Irrational Labs in the US. They apply behavioral science to make people happier, healthier, and wealthier. She works with companies like Google, Walmart, Microsoft, and LinkedIn to solve for key outcomes like engagement or retention based on users’ actual behavior rather than their stated intentions. She is an expert at creating transformative digital product experiences at scale using behaviorally informed approaches.

When did you meet Katie? I’ve always been intrigued by Irrational Labs, a behavioral product design company founded by Kristen Berman and Dan Ariely in 2013. They are deeply passionate about designing systems and environments to change behavior. To me, this is the cornerstone of reaching results within an experimentation-led company. Over the years, I’ve seen several online and offline talks by the product designers and behavioral scientists of Irrational Labs. It was time to bring this knowledge to Texel.

Why did you invite Katie? Does personalization live up to the hype? Katie’s talk challenges assumptions around personalization. As a behavioral scientist, she will explore why leading with benefits rather than features creates a more robust user experience. She’ll also reveal the power of ‘anti-recommendations’ (i.e., telling people what not to do) and their impact on trust-building. You’ll gain a fresh perspective on user-centric design.

What will her topic be about? The Pitfalls of Personalization in Product Design (& What to Do Instead).

Enjoy Katie on stage at #CH2024, and Katie: thank you for accepting!

Ton Wesseling

Founder & host of The Conference known as Conversion Hotel


All sessions by #CH2024: Katie Dove

Keynote: Personalization

24 Nov 2024
12:10 - 12:40
Keynote Room