Annie Cushing is an analytics data consultant, known as Annielytics. Her areas of expertise in data are: collection, analysis, and beautification. Annie lives for data. By day she gathers it, gives it a good home, and makes it runway ready. By night she dreams about her next visualization fix. The only thing that thrills her as much as getting knee deep in data is teaching other marketers how to sexy up their data. She’s on a mission to rid the world of ugly data, one spreadsheet at a time.
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All sessions by Annie Cushing (USA)
Annie Cushing – Analytics tips & tricks
19 Nov 2016
11:30 - 12:00
Keynote room
19 Nov 2016
14:00 - 17:00
Hotel Greenside
Workshop: Analytics
19 Nov 2016
14:00 - 17:00
Hotel Greenside